The Full Moon in January occurs on the 13th at 23 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. The snapshot of chart above is set for Washington D.C.
AS you can see, the Full Moon is just a few degrees away from retrograde Mars at 27 degrees Cancer. Be on the lookout for a Mars-like event occurring within a few days following the full Moon. This could be some sort of conflict, uprising or violence.
This full Moon also covers the Presidential Inauguration. The Moon is sextile Uranus, so may have an unexpected twist to the event. Uranus Rx is currently conjunct President Elect Donald Trump's Midheaven, making him one of the "main features" of this period. Can we expect some type of full illumination?
Mars is retrograde from January 2nd 2025 to February 24th. It begins its journey back starting at 01 Leo and will end at 17 Cancer.
Mars is debilitated in Cancer, lacking its usual energy and drive. You might find you feel like this at the moment? This is especially true if you have natal Mars in any of these degrees. As it heads towards that natal point, its effects will show up in your life, even before it gets to that degree because Mars likes to act ahead of time.
Mars retrograde and debilitated can also be bad news, often associated with calamities, robberies and unrest. The out of control wildfires in California are an example of a recently stationed Mars rx.
See my January 2025 article above for a bit more information. What effect do you think it will have on your life?
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