New Moon In Aquarius, January 2025

New Moon in Aquarius, January 29th, 2025
Although this chart is set for Washington D.C. the important thing is to look at where this new Moon falls in your chart.
Do you have any planets near 9 degrees Aquarius, or making an aspect to it? The Moon is also trine Jupiter, which encourages expansion, new ventures and says this is a time to get going on any projects you have been working on or planning.
The new Moon is in Venus’s term, which tells you that this is probably related to money, or at least values you hold dear.
Venus herself in in late Pisces, together with Neptune and the Moon’s north node. It’s hard not to feel doubt and uncertainty with these aspects, especially if it’s a big purchase you’re mulling over; or a giant leap of faith you’re thinking to plunge into soon.
If this is the case, it’s probably best to wait for Venus to ingress Aries, which will also happen during this period.
Jupiter stations direct at 11 Gemini on February 4th
That’s go time! The new Moon acting with Jupiter by trine makes for great communication, time to sort out the how, when and where of something you want to do. Other people will no doubt share your enthusiasm!
Uranus stations direct at 23 Taurus on January 30th
Expect some kind of sudden revelation or insight after January 30th This can be good or bad, depending on where it falls in your chart. Planets in good aspect will give you a sudden boost to get moving, while those in hard aspect might force you to take a step back and reassess the situation before moving forward.
In any event, Uranus has been stuck at 23 Taurus since May of last year, only moving a few degrees before going retrograde. Think back to last May and what you had planned, or what came into view. From now on, it is time to go forward with that issue, plan or new project.
Mercury conjuncts Pluto at the new Moon, so whatever was previously hidden, could now come to light, possibly in a way that you had never thought of before, or simply hadn’t even considered as possible. Be open to new beginnings!
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