Forecasts For 2025

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New Moon for March 2025


Confusion reigns


This new Moon chart, which covers March 2025 has a huge Pisces signature! This chart is set for Washington DC, but the planetary setup is the same for everyone.


Confusion and daydreaming are the keywords.


Saturn, Mercury, the Moon’s North node and Neptune all span the Pisces. If you have natal planets in Pisces, this is not a good month to make any new decisions, for your plans could all go awry.


On the other hand if you’ve been searching for inspiration for a creative or artistic project, this would be the perfect time to visualize it. The Moon’s next aspect will be to conjunct Saturn and Mercury, so bringing such a creative endeavor into reality or giving it form is ideal. It is also a dreamy time, so pay attention to your dreams. They may contain messages for you!


About the only good aspect in this chart is that between Venus and Jupiter in Aries and Gemini, forming a tight sextile. However, both planets are debilitated in these signs, so although they are both very encouraging, spurring you on to get moving, the time is not right yet!

Rare Planetary Alignment February 28, 2025

On this night, a rare planetary alignment will grace the evening sky just after sunset. Looking towards the west, visible planets once the sun has set, will be Saturn, Moon, Mercury, *Neptune, and Venus, forming a celestial arc stretching from Pisces to Cancer.


While Saturn and the thin crescent of the waning Moon (not pictured here) may be difficult to spot due to the Sun’s lingering glow, Venus and Mercury should be visible to the naked eye. As night deepens, Jupiter and Mars will also come into view, adding to the cosmic display. Though Neptune and Uranus are part of this alignment, they will require a strong telescope to observe. This alignment creates a striking celestial symphony—an elegant dance of planets across the twilight sky.


Viewing tip: For the best experience, find a dark location away from city lights and use binoculars or a telescope for a clearer view.


Pisces: Hidden Knowledge and Water Symbolism


Pisces has everything to do with water, with religion and also those things which have been kept hidden, either under the water,

or here on earth. "Unearthing of hidden things" might be the key phrase to bear in mind.


Planetary alignments and natural disasters


A Mercury-Saturn conjunction all too often coincides with the development of severe weather-related events, such as cyclones, tornadoes and other storms that can cause flooding. This alignment takes place just after the new Moon at 9 degrees Pisces, the day before, which is all too often a time when a developing situation related to weather develops.



January 2025

With the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer at the full Moon on January 13th, emotions may run high but can provide an opportunity for deep healing and introspection.

New Moon In Aquarius, January 2025

Do you have any planets near 9 degrees Aquarius, or making an aspect to it? The Moon is also trine Jupiter, which encourages expansion, new ventures and says this is a time to get going on any projects you have been working on or planning.

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