Pluto in Aquarius

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Let’s start with the Good


The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in the 1770’s, an era which saw the birth of the Age of Enlightenment. Are we headed for another age of Enlightenment this time round?


We might be, but it will be different this time round.


But we need to take a step back to put this setup in context. In December 2020, at the time of the winter solstice, a very important time, Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in 00 degrees Aquarius. This was the major herald of the new age to come. These two planets had not been conjunct in Aquarius since the 1400’s.


Pluto joined this point very briefly in March 2023 and again for a few months beginning in January of 2024.

This is like the second gong of a giant bell: Hear, ye! hear ye! The new time is upon us!


Both times Pluto went retrograde, back into Capricorn, like an old hermit who liked his palatial cave way better than what he saw in the world outside!

But finally in November of 2024, he left his cave and is now in Aquarius for good, at least for the next 20 odd years. We could say Pluto is trying out an Air B&B for the first time!


And we are all being dragged along with this new tide that will bring great changes to our world, ready or not.

We are sure to experience and see things we never thought possible.

Aquarius is in the watery part of the sky, hence it’s also known as the water-bearer. It has everything to do with waves – ocean waves, radio waves, microwaves, airwaves, electromagnetic waves, and so on. All of these will be impacted, or irreversibly changed during this time period.


Water and Air will be greatly affected. What does that mean for us? The air quality will become an even bigger issue than it already is. We’ve seen the first sprouts of green technology take shape in the last few years, but really big changes are still a ways away.

Air pollution, already a big deal in many countries will continue to impact the planet and eventually force everyone into doing things differently, particularly some of the most egregious polluters, like India and China.


There will be massive new discoveries relating to what’s under the oceans, what’s out in the deepest, darkest parts of the galaxy and what the human genome is really all about, how it can be changed or manipulated to enable better health outcomes.


Life and death will be receiving a massive makeover – everything from when life actually begins and when it ends will be changed or undergo new understanding.


Human beings will begin to demand more freedom to live the way they want, begin to want to change how our old world order has basically imprisoned humanity in a variety of “systems” created by all the various government and local institutions. Not all these systems are bad, of course, but they all need to be updated and changed.



How it will affect you


See where 00 degrees Aquarius is in your own chart and what aspects it makes to other planets in that chart.


That’s the house that will be impacted most. For example, if it falls in your 2nd house, it’s your finances that will have to undergo a great change sooner or later.


If you have any planets at 00 degrees of fixed signs, meaning Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, this time period may be the start of a big awakening, where it is useless to resist, despite your stubborn or fixed ideas about anything.


If you have planets at 00 degrees of any air signs, you will most likely embrace whatever comes along, even delight in all the changes that you will see happening.


A.I. - Friend or Foe?


In these very early stages, there are many people who look at Artificial Intelligence with suspicion and distrust. Early attempts by lawmakers to try to regulate A.I. have proved to be fruitless – Aquarius at work again. Yes, A.I. will be destructive in some ways to begin with but it will improve and eventually everyone will look back on it as a tool that freed up a lot of our time, simplified tedious tasks and even enabled huge amounts of information to be synthesized, vast caches of data to be analyzed fast, new cures to be found in diseases and new discoveries made about all things hidden. All things that could be used for the good of humanity!


So when will we see all this happening?


The Bad and the Ugly


The Battle Begins


Saturn in 00 degrees of Aquarius, is in its own classical sign.


It represents those who do not want a change, those who wish to plough along with the old establishment, those who revere the past, who see no good reason to change the status quo from which they benefit. They like things as is and if anything, would like to entrench us all in this old way of thinking forever.


The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 00 Aquarius happened at the time of the winter solstice in 2020 and was a very important herald of what the next 20 years will bring. When outer planets ingress a new sign, they signal a huge set of changes ahead, for better or for worse.


Jupiter has no real dignity in Aquarius but its presence there acts like a steamroller , pushing old Saturn along into new paradigms.


Election Mirror


The recent U.S. elections mirrored this push-pull interaction of these two planets very well. Kamala Harris’ rallying cry was,
“We’re not going back!” – the forward push to a new (Jupiter inspired) future; Donald Trump was all about “Make America Great Again” – the nostalgia for the past, wanting to shore up the existing (Saturn dominated) establishment to carry on as before, in a time when everything was “perfect”.


Now the bad news is that Saturn at 00 degrees Aquarius is also in its own terms, meaning, it is strengthened. The first 6 degrees of Aquarius, in this case, the first 6 years after the great conjunction will be dominated by Saturn, regardless of the fact that Saturn has since moved on to the next sign, Pisces. So from 2020 to 2026, expect rules, regulations, laws and government and  to be very much the same.


When Pluto joined up with the Great Conjunction degree at 00 Aquarius, the Saturnian idea of resisting change met up with the Plutonian idea of forcing things to go the way the Plutocrats like it, whether that meant destroying anything in its path or not. Pluto in Saturn’s term means its first motivation will be destructive, or at least to break down, hold onto power, in the main.


So, from 2020 to 2026, we can expect the ugly. Don’t’ expect wars to end or humanity to suddenly shift to a greater awareness, even though the push to do so will be strong. People will increasingly become more interested in the Aquarian ideals of what’s good for humanity, but this too will be a slow process. After all, the same people, same rules and same top-down structures are still in place. Until that changes, things will remain pretty much the same.


Aquarius being a fixed sign can also represent stubborn and rigid ideas and ideals. It’s very conservative, wanting to be boss in charge, more so with Pluto at this point! So if you thought conservative politics was over in the world, think again.


Nevertheless, the quirkiness of Aquarius will all too often upset the apple cart! What seems planned and organized can suddenly fall apart, or not become legislation. Plans will go awry!


Who Owns the Airwaves?


Something else we will see is that the plutocrats of this world will be changing their M.O. from merely owning physical corporate entities, to owning the airwaves.


Media companies will increasingly be dominated by bigger corporations, all in an effort to distract and influence our minds to their way of thinking – and buying. Aquarius is about ideas, after all and too much “free thinking” isn’t necessarily good for keeping control of what people think or react to. Influencing via ideas is where they see the most important money maker.


What we currently call the mainstream media will change utterly or perhaps disappear completely. Those in journalism will find alternative platforms for their work and social media (a very Aquarian idea) will become much more than a series of simple Likes or Dislikes. New platforms will emerge too, based on these new ideas. New, faster and better technologies we can’t even imagine yet will spring humanity forward.


Who’s in Control?


Pluto is about controlling and even repressing wherever possible. Pluto influences tend to destroy things first, then transform later.


Look at the war in Ukraine and how much destruction has been wrought on that nation with very little in the way of structures left standing. It will be transformed again, eventually but the destruction is immense. The same goes for Gaza, where almost nothing has been left standing and people’s lives have been utterly destroyed.


Pluto in Capricorn was largely about caving to the whims of the ultra-wealthy and the huge corporations, where everyone was basically under the thumb of the ones above them.


Now in Aquarius, enacting laws to govern this or that will prove to be a largely fruitless endeavor, unless such laws accord with what people really want and need. It won’t stop people from trying though.


It's very much a case of the Plutocrats immersing themselves in communication models to influence public perception of just about anything they desire.


Humanity Takes the Wheel?


The most interesting part of what's been called The Great Awakening by many astrologers and psychic readers, is that it is going to become very difficult for those in control to foresee how people will react to what they perceive as injustice, gross unfairness or simply destructive acts.


We are already seeing leaders of governments from all over the world suddenly falling from power by various sudden means. What seemed a safe bet suddenly all falls apart.


We are all changing together. The collective voice will be heard again.


Simply put - expect the unexpected!


The Arrival of DeepSeek

Update: February 1, 2025


The new Chinese AI tool that has turned AI development on its head was available a few days ago for download. Despite some of its flaws, it is cheaper, faster and better than a lot of other AI tools being developed in the USA.

This comes at a time where Venus, Neptune and the North node in Pisces reveal something that seemed before not to be possible, just a dream, or an illusion.


"The high-performance model, which DeepSeek said was trained in a matter of months for about $6 million, sparked concern that useful AI may not require the most powerful and most expensive hardware. It also threatened to undercut the investment thesis that has so far prevailed among U.S. tech companies: spend aggressively to build computing capacity and develop the most powerful models." (Investopedia)