Reflections March 2025

March Meditation: Embrace New Beginnings and Growth
A fresh opportunity, new venture, or personal transformation is on its way to you. Welcome this renewal by letting go of the past and embracing the positive changes unfolding in your life. Step forward with confidence, knowing you have the power to create the life you desire. Ground yourself in Mother Earth’s energy, drawing strength, balance, and support from her nurturing presence. As you embark on new endeavors, trust in their potential to flourish. Tap into the divine feminine energy to empower yourself and uplift those around you. March is a time for growth, renewal, and stepping into your full potential.

Harness the Sun’s Energy for Clarity and Confidence
The Sun illuminates your path, revealing your true direction and inner strength. Now is the time to embrace your unique gifts and step into your personal power. Focus your energy with intention, and you will manifest your goals with success. Let the Sun’s radiant light fuel your confidence, guiding you toward clarity and purpose. As your vision becomes clear, your power becomes limitless. Open yourself to the fire of transformation, the richness of diversity, and the harmony of life’s ever-unfolding journey.
Reflections February 2025

All My Relations/Mitakuye Oyasin (39)
The sun rises over all beings equally. This month is a time of recognizing your oneness with the environment around you; of respecting your needs and emotions. Reflect on what makes you an individual and what you share with others. We are all from the same source.
Prayer Ties/ Chanli Wapakta (36)
It's a good time to shift your attention from your own concerns and think about what you can do for others. Do you have a unique gift you can offer? Think about what brings you joy when you're doing something for others. Work at being compassionate and understanding yourself as well as others.
Reflections January 2025

New Moon Meditations
As we begin the first month of the year, let the Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards provide a light along the way.
MOON/ Hanwi (5)
It’s interesting that the first card drawn for the new year reading is Moon.
The new Moon is a time of darkness and deep reflection. We cannot yet see what is ahead. This is a time to reflect on an issue or situation that is resolved or ending, one that might have been weighing on you for some time, especially as last year ended. Think about whether it brought a sense of relief or closure.
We cannot sustain just one way of perceiving something. It’s time to be more open to the changes in yourself and those around you. Let your spirit guide you as you think about the future. Allow yourself space for new beginnings to flourish.
THE EAST/Yellow (28)
It’s time to see your life with new clarity, to arise with courage.
You could make a fresh start, broaden your outlook and expand your activities.
The sun rises in the east every day. It’s a time to feel inspired to try something new and to push past what you thought were your limitations.
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